
谢益辉 2018-06-20

很久以前我就发现我们厂长写东西有两大特点:一是分不清 it’s 和 its,经常把后者写成前者;二是不爱用逗号,一句话奔流到海不复回。我跟他开玩笑说你这两个坏习惯会让你无法胜任机密写作任务的,太容易看出来是你写的了。

前一个特点比较少见,目前我只发现他分不清,更多的人是分不清 your 和 you’re(也有可能是手机打字太懒的缘故)。后一个特点则常见一些,比如我在看一则创业文章时,这句话我第一遍读来活生生被噎死了:

I read Hackers & Painters by Paul Graham which thoroughly convinced me that if I ever wanted to control my destiny and not be stuck something had to change.


I read Hackers & Painters by Paul Graham, which thoroughly convinced me that if I ever wanted to control my destiny and not be stuck, something had to change.