
谢益辉 2017-09-08

我最乐意看到的事情之一就是技术促进效率。比如我感觉当前的保险系统就是一个很没有效率的系统,所以我一直在盼着一个更高效的保险系统来颠覆当前的保险公司们,省得我们整天被保险公司忽悠、为人为的低效付冤枉保费。比如我从去年起就像盼红军一样盼着 Lemonade 抵达我们这偏远山区。

今天又看见一个针对贫困国家的健康保险项目,叫 Watsi。里面有一段话体现了现有系统低效到什么程度(不过要注意这里说的贫困国家,在美帝这种地方应该不至于每一个保险赔付都需要从几千条记录中用手查询):

We met one government insurance administrator who couldn’t verify whether the claims she received were for patients enrolled in the insurance program, because doing so would require manually digging through thousands of enrollment records – so she approved every claim. As a result, the system was teetering on bankruptcy, requiring the government to increase premiums, and forcing members to drop out.
