A Letter of Recommendation for Nan Xiao

Yihui Xie 2014-11-18

I hope my letter could boost this guy up like:

I’m not sure if I’m a good observer, but time and time again I feel some people are undervalued, or they were not given better opportunities to show their value. Not surprisingly, I know quite a few such people in the Chinese R/stats community, mainly because of the website Capital of Statistics (COS) that I founded a number of years ago.

I believe Nan Xiao is among these undervalued people, which is why I’m writing a public letter of recommendation for him to apply to a stats/biostats/bioinformatics program in the US. You can go to his website r2s.name to know more about him, and I’m not going to repeat his information here.

As someone who went through the same application process six years ago, I know it is difficult to get an offer unless you are from a top university in China in the eyes of the admission committee. By “top” (in terms of the major of statistics), it basically means Peking U, Tsinghua, USTC, Fudan, Beijing Normal U, and perhaps one or two other universities. My alma mater was Renmin U (in Beijing), which nobody knows, unfortunately. The statistics program at Renmin actually has got the highest ranking in China this year, and I’m not surprised at all. Perhaps Renmin does not offer the best math training to students in statistics, but I think its program is well balanced between application and theory. In recent years, they have been putting more emphasis on the math training to catch up with the “top” universities. Personally I do not think this is a good idea, but it seems to make the admission committees in the US more comfortable. Anyway, the first driving force of my admission to Iowa State U was probably my work on the animation package, which was also why I was acquainted with my PhD advisors Di and Heike before I applied to Iowa State.

To some degree, I was very fortunate since my research interest, statistical graphics, at that time was not the “mainstream” in statistics (it still is not), and it happened that there were two professors with the same research interest, so it was fairly easy to make the deal. Nan’s interests (machine learning/bioinformatics) are broader than mine, and I think he will face more competition consequently. Given his education background from a university that is not widely known, I’m trying to make him more visible, although my influence might be very limited. I believe he will make better contribution during his PhD training than me, if his potential can be well utilized.

I have known Nan for quite a few years. We have physically met only once during the 6th Chinese R conference last year, but I have been reading his forum posts in COS and blog posts since circa 2008. He is one of the best hackers that I know, with a very good sense of beauty. Apparently, hacking skills are becoming more and more important in this age of data (excuse me, but I do hate saying “big data” when “big” is meaningless). Let me enumerate some of my observations about him:

If you are looking for a PhD student in a stats-related program in 2015, please consider this guy. A job in the industry is also a possibility for him, so please also consider him if your company has a position for an awesome hacker. Email me if you have more questions, or forward my blog post to your colleagues/friends who might be interested.