
谢益辉 2006-04-06


**nlmin** S-PLUS Language Reference

**Find Local Minimum of a Nonlinear Function**


Finds a local minimum of a nonlinear function using a **general quasi-Newton optimizer**.

**USAGE:**<PRE> nlmin(f, x, d=rep(1,length(x)), print.level=0, max.fcal=30,  
      max.iter=15, init.step=1, rfc.tol=<<see below>>, ckfc=0.1,  
      xc.tol=<<see below>>, xf.tol=<<see below>>) </PRE>


an S-PLUS function which takes as its only argument a real vector of length p. The function must return a value of storage mode "double". 
a vector of length p used as the starting point for the optimizer. 


a vector of length p used as a scaling vector for x. The elements of the vector d* x should be in comparable units. Normally d is only specified if the elements of x have differing orders of magnitude. 
if print.level=0, then all output from the optimizer is suppressed. If print.level=1, then a short summary of each iteration is printed. If print.level=2, then a long summary of each iteration is printed. 
the maximum number of function evaluations permitted. 
the maximum number of iterations permitted. 
a bound on the L2-norm of the initial scaled step. This can have a dramatic effect on the performance of the optimizer. 
the relative function convergence tolerance. If the predicted function reduction is no more than rfc.tol times |f|, where |f| is the function value, then the optimizer has converged. The default is max(10^-10, e^(2/3)), where e is machine epsilon. 
if the predicted function decrease is smaller than ckfc times the actual function decrease, then a check is performed for false convergence. 
the relative x-convergence tolerance, where x is the argument of the function being minimized. If a Newton step has a scaled step length smaller than xc.tol, then the optimizer converges. The default is sqrt(e) where e is machine epsilon. 
the false convergence tolerance. If relative function convergence and relative x-convergence were not achieved, and a Newton step has scaled step length smaller than xf.tol, then the optimizer appears to be stopped at a non-critical solution. The default is 100 times the machine epsilon. 

**VALUE: **

a list with the following components: 
the value at which the optimizer has converged 
if the optimizer has apparently successfully converged to a minimum, then converged is TRUE; otherwise converged is FALSE. 
a character string describing the type of convergence. 
The optimizer is based on a quasi-Newton method using the double dogleg step with the BFGS secant update to the Hessian. See Dennis, Gay, and Welsch (1981) and Dennis and Mei (1979) for details. 


If the storage mode of the return value of f is "single" or "integer", nlmin will not work properly (but converged will be FALSE). 


Dennis, J. E., Gay, D. M., and Welsch, R. E. (1981). An adaptive nonlinear least-squares algorithm. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 7, 348-383. 

Dennis, J. E. and Mei, H. H. W. (1979). Two new unconstrained optimization algorithms which use function and gradient values. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 28, 453-483. 

**SEE ALSO: **

nlminb , arima.mle . 


# minimize a simple function 
func <- function(x) {x^2-2*x+4} 
min.func <- nlmin(func,0) 

# One way to pass parameters to the function is: 
        co <- c(1, 2) 
        assign("co", co, frame = 1) 
        f1 <- function(x) co[1] + co[2] * x^2 
        nlmin(f1, 10) 
# Another way to pass parameters is by setting the default
# value for an argument; e.g. g$y0 in next example:# nlmin can be used to solve a system of nonlinear equations:
solveNonlinear <- function(f, y0, x, ...){
  # solve f(x) = y0
  # x is vector of initial guesses, same length as y0
  # ... are additional arguments to nlmin (not to f)
  g <- function(x, y0, f) sum((f(x) - y0)^2)
  g$y0 <- y0   # set g's default value for y0
  g$f <- f     # set g's default value for f
  nlmin(g, x, ...)
f <- function(x) c(exp(x[1]), sin(x[2]))
solveNonlinear(f, c( 3, .5), c(.2,.2))  # solve exp(x1)=3, sin(x2)=.5
# result$x is c(log(3), asin(.5)) 
g <- function(x) exp(x[1]) * c(1, sin(x[2]))
solveNonlinear(g, c( 3, .5), c(.2,.2))  # solve exp(x1)=3, exp(x1)sin(x2)=.5

# Note that multiple variables (x1 and x2) can be thought of as components
# of a single multivariate variable (x[1] and x[2]), and
# that multiple functions (exp(x1) and exp(x1)*sin(x2))
# correspond to a vector-valued function c(exp(x1), exp(x1)*sin(x2))

# Warning -- solveNonlinear can be fooled; it minimizes a sum of
# squares, and may stop if it believes the SS is not decreasing,
# even if not the SS is zero.

感慨一句,统计计算(数值计算 / 数值分析 / Computational Statistics / Numerical Analysis)真是一门恐怖的学问。